Friday, March 29, 2013

I Don't Wanna be a Stupid Girl

Stupid Girls" by Pink is a great song that talk about how the mass media and "showbiz" is influencing in a bad way to all the people, in this case girls. In this video we can see how the image of "perfect but stupids girls" that media imposes is altering the role of the women in our current society. There's a lot of women that want to be recognized by their work or their capacities, and that want to contribute to our society, but there are, at the same time, girls that want to be just pretties and sexies or date famous people to have their "fifteen minutes of fame". 

The video is very attractive because shows an ironic vision of "stupid girls" with a combination of reality with exaggeration and, at the same time, shows how other women feel about it. Some people can agreed to the point of view of Pink and other people can think that's a wrong vision, but it will depend of how we relate with TV and mass media in general. 

This video shows the way of live of some American's showbitz girls and the girls that try to follow their acts to be like them. The video's message was sent because it was neccesary, like a warning of the wrong role of the women that need to be changed.

1 comment:

  1. That's an excellent video, and it's related with the things that we talk in class, about the stereotypes and the "c" culture.
    It's a funny video and really make us things about the impact that media made on us, well actually in the other people.
