Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Belize, the territory that Spain never conquered

After the presentations about the geography of the British Empire, I started to have a lot of interesting about how Belize was added to the empire.
The British Empire conquers a lot of territories in the entire world and one of them was Belize. I investigated a little bit about it and I found that this area of Central America was the territory that Spain never could conquer, and even more, it was another historical problem between Spain and Britain.
The Spanish were the first that explored Belize but they never colonized it because of the hard resistance of the native people. If we think that Spain was conquering most of the territory in the “New World” at that time, it must have been a big shock for the empire. Later, it became worst when the British Empire was successful where the Spanish failed.
This situation was bad for Spain because Belize was used by pirates as a strategic settlement to attack Spanish ships. Spain fought with Britain for a long time, more than a century, but the Spanish failed in their goal of defeat the British.
This was the most important battle between Spain and Britain
This make me think: If Spain and Britain were enemies, why the British Empire didn’t start to expand his territory in Central America when the Spanish forces were weak? Well, I don’t really know why, but in my little investigation I found that it could be because they were respecting the Treaty of London that said that Spain can retain his colonies.
I thought that this was an interesting topic so: ENJOY! :B

1 comment:

  1. Well, I have to admit, that I have never ever thought about Belize, I didn’t even knew where it was, but what you write was really interesting, and I have to say too, that I don’t really like the Spain from the colonial time, because they destroy a lot of cultures, and I’m happy that they couldn’t conquer Belize, and sad because the British Empire could.
    And one last thing, The theory about the pact, is interesting, because, yes, Spain was for a lot of years with a lack of strength and good soldiers, so the British could have took over their lands at every time, I don’t know if the word is novel, but they were definitely something else.
