Sunday, August 11, 2013

Everyond has the same rights

When I start to think about the civil rights movement, I immediately think about the “Martin Luther King of LGBT movement”, the great politician Harvey Milk. 

It’s really interesting how two different persons have so many coincidences (even when they are from different times, and probably, they have different values and points of view about some religious issues). Their first coincidence is the fact that they both fight for their believes. 

MLK fought for African-American rights, fought against the racial discrimination, and Harvey Milk fought for LGBT rights, against the discrimination that suffered thousands of homosexuals and transgender people. They both thought that every human has the same right to live how they wanted to live. I don’t know if Martin Luther King was able to defend LGBT rights because of his religious believes but it’s was very probably that he did it. They fought with non-violence activities like marches.

Other coincidence, and the most important, was that they both were killed by “ideological enemies” defending their dreams. Martin Luther King died in a hotel when he was fighting for workers’ rights and Harvey Milk where killed by the supervisor Dan White who was a defender of the discrimination against homosexuals because he thought that homosexuality was a danger for families.
An African-American defender and a homosexual leader, both killed and part of history.


  1. I think this is an interesting topic. I agree they both were influential leaders for each movement, and even when they fought in different eras, we can still see people influenced by them to fight for their rights. No matter if you're black or homosexual, we're all the same, we all have rights, we're all brothers and we should respect each other. I loved your post!

  2. I'm glad that you talked about Harvey Milk because most of the time is over looked how many boundaries he broke and how important he was for future generations. I think Martin Luther King and Milk are equally important when we talk about defending the rights of the people they represented. It’s a shame that both men were killed before they could see their dream become true, but their legacy will be alive for a long time (or maybe forever)

  3. These two men were so powerful and admired for a hundred of people. I'm really glad about their pacific fights and everything that they did for "their people", and also I admire them because they tried to change the world and the closed minds.
    Obviously they made a difference and their legacy is very important and because of that they are alive and the people still talking about them.
