Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What were the positive effects of the British Empire in India?

When we talk about an Empire that colonized a whole nation, we must think that nothing gave a benefit to nation that was controlled by an outside regime, but we can see a positive cultural influence left by the foreign land.

When the British Empire took the power of India, it did all those industrial developments for its interests only, killing people, exploiting persons and stealing territories, but at the same time, it helped to development of this country.

They brought new ways of byproducts that weren’t intended to help India but it helped with their development anyways.

We have, for example, that British started the infrastructure, they started building bridges, cities and introduced the railways to India, they introduced the law through different kinds of rules. It was the same for everyone, no matter what religion or caste you were, you had to enforce rules and it helped to build an order in India.

Since the colonization, Indians have been following the British Legal System that makes easier to do business with international industries.

The British gave them the English language. English is one of the most important languages of the world and about 80% of the Indian population can speak it. English is taught in schools in India.

Those changes brought by the British Empire, gave job opportunities for Indians. They could join the military service, work as servants or drivers for the British. Educated Indians could join to the civil service. It helped to create a stronger military base to protect India from the attack of other invaders and enemies as the Afghans and Persians.

They introduced a new sport, cricket, and now it is one of the main sports of India, being the national Indian cricket team one of the best in the world.

As we can see, after all negative ideas we have about the imperialism of British Empire, we can get some beneficial points as the education system, a new order and administration, a new “fate”, new opportunities, and the idea to have a democratic system in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your position. I think that the British empire helped a lot with the development of his colonies. The British gave to the colonies tools to progress culturally and economically. We can see the success of this, for example, in the fact that the most of British colonies progressed more that Spanish colonies.
